IT Security for Remote and Hybrid Teams: What you need to know to secure your team’s digital ecosystem

Even companies with a strong office presence today tend to have at least a few people working remote. Companies with all-remote or hybrid teams have specific IT security and efficiency concerns.

Here are 4 things you can do to increase the security and efficiency of  your remote or hybrid team.  If you’re technically inclined, some of these suggestions can be implemented by you. Otherwise, these are potential discussion points that you can bring up with your IT provider during your next quarterly meeting.

  1. Establish a Unified Network

With teams spread out and working from various locations, the notion of ‘office space’ has transformed. However, this doesn’t mean your devices should operate in isolation. Here’s why creating a network is essential:

  • Centralized Oversight: A unified network, whether provided by your IT service or through a setup like Microsoft Intune, ensures that every device can be tracked and managed centrally.
  • Remote Wipe: If a device is lost or stolen, it can be remotely cleared to prevent unauthorized access.
  • On-Demand Requisition: Central control allows IT teams to deploy software or updates to devices as needed.
  • App Approval: Control which applications can be installed to prevent potential security threats.
  • Breach Response: In the unfortunate event of a security breach, having a network allows for quick responses like shutting down affected devices
  1. Adopt a Peer-to-Peer Mesh VPN

Traditional VPNs have evolved, and modern ones are faster and easier to use. Using a peer-to-peer mesh VPN offers several advantages:


  • Enhanced Security: All your devices, regardless of their geographical location, are securely connected under one network umbrella.
  • Collaboration and Storage: A connected network makes collaboration easier. Teams can share files securely and more cost-effective storage solutions become possible.
  1. Integrate Advanced Email Filtering

Impersonation and other  attacks via emails are on the rise, and the attack styles are becoming increasingly more sophisticated. Protect your organization by:

  • Implementing Strict Rules: Set rules to flag suspicious emails, especially those that mimic known contacts but come from different addresses.
  • Regular Updates: Ensure your email filtering tools are regularly updated to catch the latest threats.
  1. Invest in Security Training

Raising the security awareness level of your employees some of the lowest hanging fruit for increasing your organization’s security. They’re the first target and the first line of defense against many potential threats.   Consider proactive training programs that test employees’ security awareness and then offer tailored education based on the results.

For example, we offer our business IT clients security training that sends simulated spam emails to see how their employees respond.  Employees that give up credentials or other key data are then given additional training in real time to improve their awareness.


IT Security in a digital workspace is an ongoing process and not a one-time setup. As technologies evolve, so do potential threats. Staying ahead requires regular updates, training, and vigilance.

Prioritize your organization’s IT security, and ensure a safe environment for your team and data.  If you have any questions about how you can improve your company’s IT security or are interested in speaking with us about professional IT Support,  please reach out to schedule a free consultation with us.

True North IT is a professional IT Services company serving Boulder, Denver and the Colorado front range.  Please email [email protected] or call 303-928-1107 to schedule an intro call.